Jim Nicol

Jim had senior executive experience in the provision and monitoring of business finance as well as taking a family business through the staff buy in process. That all developed great understanding of the business world and created the opportunity to move into project management and mentoring for a number of organisations in the Public, 3rd and Charitable sectors including Scottish Enterprise, Chamber of Commerce and Acosvo.
Personal Statement
“An early introduction and awareness of the difference advice support and funding can make to young determined and disadvantaged individuals established a link than continued through a career in commercial financing and business creation. That interest gave me the opportunity to become involved in a number of third sector agencies of a variety of sizes but with a common theme of providing support to the deprived disabled and economically disadvantaged. That interest also led to an understanding of the charity world and its various components as the involvement in marrying recycling proceeds to assist homeless resettlement, setting up work opportunity for young adults with special needs and supporting a Scottish grant distribution charity in its mission. Taking one charity to social enterprise accreditation and another from company to SCIO status helped develop a good understanding of OSCR governance requirements.”
“The opportunity to help Essentia in its mission to provide that type of support in its clearly defined and innovative fashion and further its committed involvement was a very welcome one and one that I look forward to assisting.”